Friday 4 March 2016

Get Rid of Bad Breath Naturally

Bad breath is caused by odour-producing bacteria that grow in the mouth.When you don't brush and floss regularly, bacteria accumulate on the bits of food left in your mouth and between your teeth.

There are certain foods, especially ones like garlic and onions that contain pungent oils, can contribute to bad breath because the oils are carried to your lungs and out through your mouth.Smoking is also a major cause of bad breath. So here are some tips to beat bad breath.  Smoking is also a major cause of bad breath. So here are some tips to beat bad breath. 

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Monday 18 January 2016

Magical '4-7-8' breathing trick can induce sleep in 1 minute

It can be pretty tough to fall asleep when your brain is thinking nonstop or anxiety has gotten the best of you, and it seems to only get harder when you're lying in bed listening to yourself breathe. Yet paying attention to that breathing may be exactly what you need in order to find a calm, easy entry into a good night's rest.
How to Do The “4-7-8″ Exercise

Dr. Weil is an influential public supporter of a previously little-known breathing technique known as the “4-7-8 exercise.” This trick, which began to capture national attention several years ago and has since been the subject of innumerable headlines, including one on, is shockingly simple, takes hardly any time, and can be done pretty much anywhere.

Here is how you do the exercise:

1. Place the tip of your tongue against the tissue ridge right above your upper front teeth. Keep it there for the remainder of the exercise.

2. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound as you do so.
3. Close your mouth and inhale slowly through your nose while mentally counting to four.
4. Hold your breath for a mental count of seven.
5. Exhale completely through your mouth for a mental count of eight. Make the same whoosh sound from Step Two.
6. This concludes the first cycle. Repeat the same process three more times for a total of four renditions.

In a nutshell: breathe in for four, hold for seven, and breathe out for eight. You must inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. The four-count inhale allows chronic under-breathers to take in more oxygen. The seven-count hold gives the oxygen more time to thoroughly permeate the bloodstream, and the eight-count exhale slows the heart rate and releases a greater amount of carbon dioxide from the lungs. WhyThis Sleep Hack Works So Well So, what's so special about breathing in and out differently? This pattern of inhales and exhales gets not only your lungs, but also your brain working to put you to sleep. When we lie awake, anxiously awaiting sleep, we begin to stress ourselves out over the thought of not sleeping at all. In turn, our heartbeat increases and we take shallow, desperate breaths.

When we worry, panic, or stress out, we do something called under-breathing. As Calm Clinic explains, we worry that we aren't getting enough oxygen, so we panic even more and begin to take faster, shallower breaths to make up for it. Yet we're getting more than enough oxygen—this habit actually fills our system with too much, leading to hyperventilation.
So, the 4-7-8 breathing pattern makes you slow down and take a moment, in a literal sense. When you breathe in slowly for four seconds, you pause and let the breaths sink in. As you hold those breaths for seven seconds, you allow the oxygen to take effect and fill your body. And, finally, when you exhale for eight seconds, you release the carbon dioxide steadily. In response, your heart rate will slow, as your panic drops, and the rest of your body relaxes in turn as you control your breaths.

Friday 15 January 2016

Eating Bananas with Black Spots - What Happens With Your Body After that?

Many people love eating bananas, but they should be aware about certain things the next time they consume them. Read this text and be careful the next time you consume this tasty fruit. An entirely ripe banana have TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) – a substance that struggles against the abnormal cells.
The more patches or dark spots the banana has – the riper it is. The ripe banana is great for improving the immune system. Many Japanese scientists have also confirmed that the TNF found into banana aids against cancer by boosting the immunity. So, banana can prevent certain tumors and diseases.

It’s also proven that the content of this fruit changes as it becomes riper. This is because when banana is riper it becomes more yellow and the levels of antioxidant increase. In the ripe, with a black spots banana the starch turns in sugar that is easier for digestion.

The Japanese scientists in their experiments have also proven that the banana produces an anti-cancer substance (TNF), increased numerous white blood cells and improves the immune system. It’s recommended to eat 1 to 2 bananas per day to boost the immunity.
Bananas with many brown spots are healthier than the ones with a green peel or fresh ones with no any patches or spots.
The cancer cells could be defeated with the aid of TNF. The impact that banana has on a body is related with the one of Lentinan, which stimulates the immunity and is also well known as anti –cancer agent. In conclusion, ripe banana consists anti-cancer properties because it triggers formation of white blood cells and prevents cell mutation.
Note: To prevent vitamin loss, put the fully ripe bananas into a fridge or eat fresh bananas with many dark spots. Also, always try to buy bananas from an organic market.

 Source: healthyfoodteam

Shape of Body

Your Body Shape Reveals Your Health Condition

Certain ailments may be discovered by some signs which most of the people don’t notice. Suchlike signs can be the length of your arms and legs, your waist size, the proportions of certain body parts, etc. Below you can read about some signs of our body that can tell a lot about our health condition. 

Finger length

Women whose index fingers are shorter than their ring finger, have two times more risk to suffer from osteoarthritis in older age. Men also are not an exception of this relation. In women it is a sign for lower levels of estrogen, a hormone which slows down the occurrence of bone diseases. People with this problem should exercise regularly and make sure to take the recommended dose of calcium.
Your Body Shape Reveals Your Health Condition

Leg length

The British experts advise people with shorter legs to take more care about their liver condition. They found out that women with the size of the legs between 50 and 73 cm have higher levels of the liver enzymes which leads to certain liver diseases. This condition requires avoiding alcohol and other toxins. 
Bra size
According to a study lead by the Canadian Medical Association, women that

wear D sized bra in their twenties have 1,5 more chances to get ill from type 2 diabetes than those with smaller breasts. The experts found out that the fatty tissue in the breasts is hormone sensitive, so it affects the insulin resistance. To prevent diabetes an individual should keep a healthy body weight, have healthy and balanced nutrition and more physical activity.

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Six Steps & A Juice to Reduce Belly FAT

Belly fat is actually the most dangerous type of fat – besides aesthetics, large waist lines are indicators of –disease-disease-disease.

It takes more than just crunches! We start to gain weight in our midsection when our cortisol levels spike. Stress is one
of the primary culprits for high levels of cortisol secretion. When this happens cortisol breaks downs lean muscle
and also holds on to fat storage in the abdominal region. That stress can even get WORSE with bad dieting; studies show
that the stress caused by dieting can increase cortisol levels, making no change in belly fat even with calorie restriction.
So how do you shape up? Incorporate these 6 things below and you will be on your way to a flatter belly in no time flat!

1. Sleep
Getting about 7 hours of sleep a night is one of the best things you can do for your body shaping goals.

2. Short bursts of exercises
Try planking, where you hold yourself in a push-up position, resting your forearms on the ground. Try 3 or 4 sets of
holding for 30 seconds each. Getting up and moving throughout the day by going for walks will also help.

3. Sugar is your Enemy

Reduce calories by filling yourself up with protein, vegetables, whole grains, and
replacing bad habit snacks with good ones.
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4. Vitamin C

If you’re going through an emotional crisis, stress from work, or a bad eating splurge, increase your vitamin C – it’ll
help counteract the negative side effects. Try bell peppers, kale or kiwi fruits. These have even more Vitamin C than the
famous Orange!

5. Eat Fat

Good fats include foods rich in Omega 3′s, like salmon, avocados & walnuts. These foods are full of nutrients that help
keep you satiated throughout the day.

6. Slowing down your breath

This is a very simple method that you can use even when you’re in the midst of doing something else. Whenever you notice
you’re feeling tense and uptight check and see how you’re breathing. Most people under stress either alternate holding
their breath with short breaths, or take rapid shallow breaths. After you become aware of your own breathing, consciously
relax your belly and slow down the breathing. This works best if you focus on slowing down the exhalation rather than your

Try this homemade juice also to reduce your belly fat:

1 cucumber
a bunch of parsley or cilantro
1 lemon
1 tbsp. grated ginger
1 tbsp. aloe vera juice
1/2 glass water

Juice the listed ingredients and consume the drink before going to bed.

Having Trouble Sleeping?

Why Everything is Better with Honey
Goldy Honey. Islam and Honey
We all know that the “golden liquid”-honey can be effective in treating colds as same as some commercial medicines, but studies have proved that it can also play an important role in improving the quality of sleeping as well. According to Dr. Ron Fessenden, raw honey contains “an ideal ratio of glucose and fructose,” to support the liver, a vital organ that works without rest, during the process of sleeping. Here are more information on how consuming one or two spoons of raw honey before going to bed can help you get quality sleep. 
1. It Keeps Liver Full
Honey ensures the needed supply of liver glycogen for the following night. In adults, the average liver can store around 75 -100 gr. of glycogen.
Our body will consume around 10 gr. of glycogen per hour. When someone takes dinner at 6:00 pm and goes to sleep at 11:00 pm, the body will have spent up to half of the supply of glycogen, leaving the liver with less than needed for the upcoming eight hours of rest.
Consuming honey before bedtime regenerates the liver with glycogen and insures getting through the night.
2. Honey Releases The Sleeping Hormone

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Honey provokes a small spike in insulin levels. Insulin stimulates the production of tryptophan in the brain.
Next, tryptophan is converted to serotonin, and serotonin is converted to sleep hormone-melatonin. Melatonin obstructs the release of insulin and stabilizes blood sugar levels throughout the night.
Melatonin is usually called “wellness hormone: and it is very important for restorative sleep. It helps to boost immunity and ease the rebuilding of tissues during the time for rest.
Other Health Benefits Of Honey
Honey is not just important for good sleep, but raw, organic honey has many other health benefits:
• It has strong anti-bacterial properties with great wound-healing power, historically used in medicine for its ability to combat infection.
• Often, honey has been used in organic soaps and shampoos for its ability to efficiently fight inflammatory acne.
• Honey is a natural antimicrobial agent and has shown great potential in fighting with drug-resistant bacteria.
• It is an unusual antidiabetic agent, which helps reduce blood glucose levels and it is generally more easily tolerated than any other sugar.
Source: healthylifestylezone

Clean Your Kidneys - Naturally

Kidneys employ a important function within our body. They’re located against the back muscles in the upper tummy area your kidneys get blood from the paired renal arteries and additional flow into the paired renal veins. Both kidneys launch urine in the ureter then, it empties into the bladder.
These organs help out with cleaning your blood of toxins which are removed from the organism together with urination. Kidneys also help out with regulating body pressure, electrolyte harmony and red blood mobile formation.

Salt and also toxins accumulate in the kidneys and also that’s exactly why kidney gemstones may occur. What you should do is to eliminate these deposits to prevent some critical problems which can be the cause of kidney inability, if definitely not treated.

In this article you will find out how to cleanse your kidneys naturally


 - Water
- A handful of parsley or coriander leaves

How to prepare it:

Soon after chopping the parsley as well as coriander with large items, put them within a container in addition to pour water over these individuals (enough to repay the leaves).

The parsley/ coriander leaves need to be boiled with regard to 10 units.

After getting rid of it from heat, delay until this cools.

Next, after forcing the mix, keep it inside fridge. Ingest it wintry, one cup everyday.

Note: Tea might be made likewise. Everything is usually same; you must boil the mixture for about 30 minute.

After quite some time, if a person consume this regularly, your urine color changes from darker yellow in order to straw silpada. This change is caused by toxin elimination which was absorbed from the kidneys.

it can also be recommendable to drink an abundance of water in the daytime to keep kidneys nutritious.

Apples, watermelons as well as lemons with their parsley are extremely known because kidney soaps. On the other hand, coconut oil helps with removing kidney stones.

As component of regular detox, It will be recommended to use this herbal tea twice every thirty days.